Sugar plum fairy, sugar plum fairy #
The package finally came to day, just as it was scheduled to. What package, you ask? Why, the introductory materials for my course at Stanford, of course. What course at Standford, you ask? Why, the online course for an Introduction to C Programming, of course. Technically, my term doesn't start until July 1st, but why delay when I can have this all banged out in a couple of days? I mean, by now, I'm well into Week 5 of the course. I've been submitting the source code assignments to my instructor (Shilpa Thakkar) and I just heard back from her. All of the code I had submitted got a response of "good work!", except the first one, which got "good wrok!" and another which got "well done!". I'm not kidding. Those were the exact spellings and capitalizations. And after all that, I then proceeded to get an e-mail from her saying that I was not on her class list (or whatever she called it) and asking me when my term started. Now, in and of itself, that's a very legitimate question. But wouldn't you haved looked and asked it before checking and replying to all the other e-mails? (Of course, I should probably stop complaining, before she banishes me to the land of people who start online courses early and forbids me to continue....)
But that's just the first part of this post. The other part of this post has to do with the fact that I shall be starting work once again this Thursday. Working in the same office that I did last year. Now, for those of you who are unaware, I quit that job. But, my dad has reassured me that I will not be sitting there answering phones all day, which, as you should know, is one of my nightmare jobs. I hate talking on phones. Apparently, Jamie has plenty of back-burner jobs lined up for me. Which, I hope, is a good thing. Let's just hope it has nothing to do with printing and folding any mailings. Because that is really, really, really boring.
And that about sums it up for now. I'm waiting on a response from Ms. Thakkar regarding my starting early (and getting over one-third through the course). Have a good night.